DAM! The Colours Benefit Event

Creating a non-profit benefit event and designing the branding collaterals.

Designer: Rachel Bernstein 

Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture

Instructor: Kelly Holohan


The proposed event, DAM! is a Benefit Concert & Drag Show that celebrates the 30 years of impact that Colours Philadelphia has had on the community. This Drag and music extravaganza will serve to empower the Black LGBTQ+ Community of Philadelphia while raising money for Colours.

DAM! was created to address the lack of large-scale engagement with Colours and to celebrate their work for the community.

Drag and music have always served to create community-building for the LGBTQ+ community. An event that highlights this impact while inspiring allies and queer youth to come together seemed more than fitting.



DAM! was created with a goal to bring together the city of Philadelphia to celebrate Colours Philadelphia and support the Black LGBTQ+ community in Philadelphia. The event was developed to highlight the incredible cause that Colours Philadelphia stood for and bring recognition to their work while allowing attendees to have a DAM good time.

It was extremely rewarding to develop an event that highlighted the work of an inspiring organization and celebrated the Black LGBTQ+ community. Creating designs for the public good is a fruitful endeavor, and I look forward to future projects in this field.