Stacked Branding

Designing a restaurant brand that centers around innovative solutions to dining out during COVID-19.

Designer: Rachel Bernstein

Contributors: Zoe Vallejo and Zhuoran Bao

Institution: Tyler School of Art & Architecture

Instructor: Abby Guido

Award: Graphis New Talent Annual 2022, Honorable Mention


For this project, I wanted to create a brand that appealed to a young consumer base who was interested in sustainability and plant-based eating. Throughout the design, I used construction paper cutouts and whimsical illustrations that centered around fruits and veggies to create a friendly and welcoming personality within the branding.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the nature of dining was transformed. In the early days filled with uncertainty, eating in restaurants was not an option. Many restaurants switched to take-out only to keep up. My group wanted to take on the challenge of promoting sustainability within a take-out-only restaurant. We landed on the concept behind Stacked, a subscription-based meal service that utilized reusable take-out containers in order to cut down on waste.